Approach to Sustainablity
We strive to support sustainability by advancing applications in a way that will allow humanity to meet current environmental, economic and societal needs without compromising the progress and success of future generations, thereby committing to sustainable development.
The root cause for high energy consumption is the lack of consideration given to more subtle ways to save energy compared to visible changes in how we generate this energy in the first place. When it comes to energy innovation, the team at Ark does its utmost to ensure as little energy is wasted as possible. Ultimately, the integration of advanced technologies and development of multiple performance properties in a single product reduces high inventories and allows for maximum efficiency with minimized manpower.
This issue of transformation towards sustainability entails a great many strategic, financial-economic and operational challenges. However, we strive to openly tackle such challenges and are always on the lookout to improve our resources and focus on further development and manufacturing of resource efficient products.